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Book of Korvald v 1.2.5

- This is the latest demo version of the epic series. Book of Korvald. You play as a man looking for revenge. As this Norse man named Korvid you are offered a chance for revenge and redemption if you become the host of an Eldritch entity. As his host you are given powers that will help you in your quest for revenge for all those that tortured you. This adventure will guide you back through horrors of bloody fighting with celestial and mortal enemies, some even being nuns and soldiers. You will also find yourself tempted with pussy as is there for the taking as you make your way back.

Tags: big boobs, doggystyle, orgy, tentacle, threesome, visual novel, html, angels, folklore, milfs, monster girl, violence, nuns, lovecraftian, bbw, adventure

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Made With: Unity


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