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Her Gentle Hands On You v.259

- Eliza is an old friend that has been studying to become a masseuse. You and she have always been close but nothing more than good friends who enjoy hanging out together. Today she invites you over to her place as she needs some practice as her license test is coming up soon. You get on the table and she starts working her hands on you back and legs and you get so fucking hard you just want to turn over and push her mouth down to suck your cock. But, that is the choice you can make in this game. If you choose not to do anything with your hard cock, you will return home to a girlfriend who will want to know how your day went!! Or, you could have gone a different way during the massage and had Eliza work on your erect cock. Play the game several ways to see all the outcomes.

Tags: blowjob, cum, lesbian, strip, orgy, teen, threesome, visual novel, html, fetish, handjob, massage, cum shot, cum in mouth, voyeur, spy, panties

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Made With: Tyrano


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