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Her Gentle Hands On You v.281

- You have got the hottest friend and she is studying to be a masseuse. Her name is Eliza and she really wants to pass the exam so she can get her license. As her friend of course you want her to pass and will do what you can to help her. You also have a hot girlfriend that is loving and kind. You adore her, but to be honest she is so fucking hot you are trying to get inside her all day long. One day Eliza asks you to help by letting her massage you to practice. In this newest version of the game there are several options you have that will let you leave that massage as a friend or leave that massage with Eliza with cum running down her face. If you play the game a few times you get different outcomes and some much more exciting than the others.

Tags: blowjob, cum, lesbian, strip, orgy, teen, threesome, visual novel, html, panties, massage, spy, voyeur, cum in mouth, cum shot, handjob, fetish

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Made With: Tyrano


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