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Her Gentle Hands On You v.301

- You play as a man who is very satisfied with his girl and your love life together. She is all you could ask for, sexy hot and big jugs. You make choices in this game that allow you to develop your relationship with your girl and form a solid bond with her. In this newest version of the game you also have friends who are women and sometimes they need your help. There is one friend studying to be a massage therapist and she has been asking for you to help her practice as she has her licensing test coming up and she really needs more live subjects to practice on. You end up on her table and are given some choices how you handle the hard on you get when she is oiling up and massaging your inner thighs. You could show her your hard cock or pretend it isn't there when she flips you over to massage your front. These are some of the choices you need to make in this game.

Tags: blowjob, cum, lesbian, strip, threesome, visual novel, html, panties, massage, spy, voyeur, cum in mouth, cum shot, handjob, fetish

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Made With: Tyrano


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