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Lewd Detective - The Island of Pleasure

- As a private detective for five years you have learned a lot and now deserve some time off. Maybe a nice vacation on the lovely Rosario island. You just received a letter in the mail informing you that have won a ticket to the beautiful island. Upon arrival to the island you are informed that there is a great mystery that has yet to be solved; There is a green glow over the island that has yet to be identified. This sounds likes a mystery that only a smart detective can solve. You meet some of the other guests on the island and find some of them to be quite hot and sexy. You find almost every one of them have huge tits and sweet smiles. You spend your first night there being visited by a masked angel that is hungry for your cock. If this is the way the whole vacation is going to be, you are really in for a good time!

Tags: hentai, teen, visual novel, html, adventure, island, erotic, detective, mystery, summer

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