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My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend

- This game is set in the dystopian future of 2025 where everyone has their own sexbot. What a lovely future as everyone can now use their sexbot to engage in as much sexual perversion as they like. This has brought much peace to the world and violent crime has taken a big dive as people are too happy to go home each day and engage in sexual acts with their sexbots. But, a scandal between China and the United States has incurred a ban on sex bots! This has brought chaos to the streets as sexbots are only available in the darkest corners of the dark web. But it is your lucky day as one evening you are outside and truck has dropped something and it looks like it is a sexbot! You can use or sell this sexbot. The choice is yours and will determine the course of the game.

Tags: asian, hentai, strip, html, SIM, easter eggs, mini games, costume, sex robots, fetish, futrure

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Made With: Unity


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